Thursday, November 1, 2012

Twilight couple in love on a Halloween night

In case you had any doubts about how solid the reconciliation between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart is, well, doubt no more. As the saying goes: The couple that coordinates Halloween costumes together stays together (except when one of them starts sleeping with a married director she's working with, but that's another story).

RPattz and KStew donned similar, semi-transparent, eyebrow-heavy masks when they hit the annual party at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Wednesday evening, but if the couple was trying to stay incognito, they didn't do a very good job. Rob, 26, donned his oft-worn baseball hat and jeans, while 22-year-old Stewart also sported a signature look: leggings, a jacket, Converse sneakers, and hair down.

As you may have heard, the "Twilight" co-stars split in July after news broke that Kristen had cheated on boyfriend Rob with Rupert Sanders, the director of "Snow White and the Huntsmen," in which she starred. But after reportedly getting back together recently, all looked hunky-dory between them on Halloween night. The duo held hands as they made their way through the bash, which was also attended by celebs including Katy Perry, Emma Roberts, and Aziz Ansari.
"They shared drinks with friends at the party and were in a good mood. Rob was all over Kristen, while she seemed a bit more reserved," a partygoer told People.
The next day Kristen and Rob even did their first interviews together since their split/reunion, as part of the publicity push for their upcoming "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2." The couple, however, only answered questions about the film [read: no juicy scoop].
As for the masks those two crazy kids kept on throughout the Halloween event, the biggest differences we noticed between them was that Rob's had a mustache and Kristen's had a smile … the only time you'll ever see the infamously somber KStew grinning all night long.

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